SUMMARY. The research shows the estimation of the French Bulldog micro-population genetic variability by the micro-satellite markers PEZ1, PEZ3, PEZ6, PEZ8, FHC 2010, FHC2054 taken from the panel recommended by the International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG). The article displays the characteristics for each locus studied on the number and the length of the alleles, the number of alleles at the Na locus, effective number of Ae alleles, polymorphic index content (PIC), both expected He and actual Ho heterozygosity, Wright’s Fixation index FIS. The deficiency in heterozygous genotypes for the studied micropopulation is established, which approves its inbreeding presence. The connection is analyzed between the degree of homozygosity by 6 micro-satellite loci and the level of animals inbreeding. The results bring the reason to believe in the tendency of the homozygous loci proportion to rise as long as there is an increase of inbreeding coefficient for the studied individuals.
Keywords: micro-satellite, genetic variability, heterozygosity, homozygosity, inbreeding coefficient, French Bulldog dog breed