Homostyly as an Efficient Tool for Development of Homozygous Lines in Buckwheat Fagopyrum esculentum MoenchGoncharova R. I., Dalivelya O. V., Kuzhir T. D., Duburs G. Ya., Uldrikis Ya. R. Clastogenicity of Ethyl Methanesulfonate and Dimethyl Terephthalate in Micronucleus Test and the Ways of its ModificationKorshikov I. I., Skidan E. M., Koba V. P. The Genetic Control of Allozymes in Pinus pityusa Stev. of the Natural Crimean PopulationsKuzemenskiy A. V. Non-Allelic Interaction of Mutant Genes in TomatoNasibullin B. A. Peculiarities of Reaction of the Mitochondria Population in the Neurons of Sensorimotor Cortex under Prolong Influence of Low-Frequency Vibration on RatsVorsanova S. G., Yurov Y. B., Brusquant D., Carles E., Roizes G. Two New Cases of the Christchurch (Ch1) Chromosome 21: Evidence for Clinical Consequences of de novo Deletion 21p-Kovaleva N. V., Koval’chuk E. V. Sex Ratio in Down Syndrome. Estimation of Chromosome 21 Non-Disjunction during SpermatogenesKovaleva N. V., Butomo I. V. Reproductive Behavior and Down Syndrome
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