Production of transgenic sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.) plants of O-type by Agrobacterium tumefaciensKomarnytskyy S.I., Komarnytskyy I.K. Genetic variability among Solanum and Lycopersion species revealed by amplified fragment restriction polymorphysm analysis of chloroplast DNAMatrynenko V.S., Antonyuk M.Z., Ternovskaya T.K. Inheritance of grain esterase genes in rye populations (Secale cereale L.)Dubrovnaya O.V., Ljal`ko I.I., Gubanova N.Ya. Somaclonal variability of sugarbeet plants on the basis of pollen sterilityKibkalo I.A., Bebjakin V.M., Kulagina T.V. Genetic control of the fluorescent sounding indices testing gluten qualilyMezhzherin S.V., Lisetsky I.L. Genetic structure of crucian carp (Сypriniformes, Cyprinidae, Carassius L. 1758) populations of middle-Dnieper basinNazarova A.F., Aslanishvili V.O., Altukhov S.M. Genetics and anthropology of Caucasian nations and the problem of «caucasoids» originSedykh A.V. Mathematical modelling of apoptosis and necrosis processes in in vitro cell cultureDmitriev A.P. Induction of systemic resistance in plants
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