TSitologiya i Genetika, 2009, no. 6

Afanasieva K.S., Zazhytska M.O., Sivolob A.V.
Mechanisms of DNA exit during neutral and alkaline comet assay
Bocharova V.R., Kovaliova I.A., Mazurenko L.S.
Identification of genotypes of grapevine clones using microsatellite markers
Golovanov I.S., Marchenko S.L., Pustovoit S.P.
Genetic monitoring of pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha populations of northern coast of the Okhotsk sea
Yamskova V.P., Krasnov M.S., Skripnikova V.S., Molyavka A.A., Ilyina A.P., Margasyuk D.V., Borisenko A.V., Berezin B.B., Yamskov I.A.
Modulators of activity of the regulatory proteins acting at microdozes
Genetic and epigenetic changes of FHIT gene in patients with esophageal cancer
Fesai O.A., Kravchenko S.A., Tyrkus M.Ya., Makuh G.V., Zinchenko V.M., Strelko G.V., Livshits L.A.
Androgen receptor cag gene polymorphism among azoospermic and oligozoospermic men from Ukraine
Tsymbaluk V.I., Vasilyeva I.G., Olexenko N.P., Chopic N.G., Tsybko O.I., Galanta E.S.
Remyelination properties of human embryonic nerve cells in the course of long-term culture
Antonyuk M.Z., Bodylyova M.V., Ternovskaya T.K.
Genome structure of introgressive lines Triticum aestivum/Aegilops sharonensis
Кarpov P.A Yemets., А.I.S, Мatusov V.G., Nyporko A.Yu., Nadezhdina Е.S., Blume Ya.B.
Bioinformatic search for plant homologs of Ste20-like serine/threonine protein kinases