Effect of 2,4-D and Isoproturon on chromosomal disturbances during mitotic division in root tip cells of Triticum aestivum L.Popova A., Ivanenko G. Structural and cytochemical aspects of Brassica rapa embryogenesis under clinorotationGoryslavets S., Risovanna V., Bacilieri R., Hausman J.-F., Heuertz M. A parentage study of closely related Ukrainian wine grape varieties using microsatellite markersBelinskaya E.V. Genotypic peculiarities of morphogenesis in barley in vitro anther cultureHerbeck Yu.E., Oskina I.N., Gulevich R.G., Plyusnina I.Z. Effects of maternal methyl-supplemented diet on hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor mRNA expression in rats selected for behaviorLisovyy A.O., Dosenko V.E., Parkhomenko A.N., Moibenko A.A. The frequency of CYP2J2 G–50 → T polymorphism in acute coronary syndrome patientsPilinskaya M.A., Dybskiy S.S., Dybskaya Ye.B., Pedan L.R. Radiation induced modification of human somatic cells chromosomes sensitivity to the testing mutagenic exposure of bleomycinVergolyas M.R., Veyalkina N.N., Goncharuk V.V. Influence of copper ions on hematological and cytogenetics parameters of fresh-water fishes Carassius auratus gibelio
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