SUMMARY. A comparative analysis of genetic variation at 12 polymorphic isozyme loci, and the mating system has been carried out in mature trees and their seed progeny in three small localities of Pinus brutia var. stankewiczii Sukacz. near the town of Sudak – settlement of Novyi Svet in the Crimea. We found that embryos maintain the same allelic diversity as mother plants but their observed heterozygosity is lower on the average by 37,4 %. The significant deviation of genotype distribution from the theoretically expected ratios caused by the deficiency of heterozygotes was observed at 8 out of 12 loci. Multilocus estimate of outcrossing rate (tm) in populations varied from 68,9 to 94,9 % making on the average 80,7 %.
Keywords: Pinus brutia var. stankewiczii Sukacz., maternal plants, seed embryos, genetic variation, Crimea