Construction and applications of a mycorrhizal arbuscular specific CDNA libraryShazad M., Khan S.H., Khan A.S., Sajjad M., Rehman A., Khan A.I. Identification of QTLs on chromosome 1B for grain quality traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)Ivaschuk B.V., Samofalova D.O., Pirko Ya.V., Fedak G., Blume Ya.B. The homologous identification of the stem rust resistance genes Rpg5, Adf3 and RGA1 in the relatives of barleyKozeretska І.A., Serga S.V., Kunda-Pron I., Protsenko O.V., Demydov S.V. A high frequency of heritable changes in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster in UkraineKorshykov I.І., Kalafat L.O., Vynogradova O.M., Podgornyi D.Y. GENETIC VARIABILITY OF MATERNAL PLANTS AND SEED EMBRYOS OF KOCH PINE POPULATIONS (PINUS KOCHIANA KLOTZSCH. EX KOCH) IN CRIMEAGorohivets N.A., Vedmedeva E.V. Inheritance of epidermis pigmentation in sunflower achenesKumar G., Chaudhary N. Induced cytomictic variations and syncyte formation during microsporogenesis in Phaseolus vulgaris L.Bulavin I.V. Cytoskeleton orientation in the epidermal cells of roots formed de novo on leaf explants under clinorotationKlymyshin D., Stephanyshyn O., Fedorenko V. The role of (p)ppGpp molecules in formation of «Strict Response» in bacteria and biosynthesis of antibiotics and morphological differentiation in actinomycetes
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