SUMMARY. The objective of the investigation was to study variation of storage proteins in two Crimean populations of Dasypyrum villosum from Beregove of the Bakhchisarai region and from the Tauric Chersonese National Re-serve (Sevastopol). Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) poly-acrylamide gel electrophoresis of seed storage proteins was performed to analyze diversity of high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits encoded by the Glu-V1 locus, as well as ω-gliadin variants on SDS-electrophoregrams encoded by Gli-V1. In the two Crimean populations of D. villosum, eight alleles at the Glu-V1 locus and four Gli-V1 alleles encoding ω -gliadin were identified. The Crimean populations of D. villosum differed sig-nificantly in the frequencies of the alleles a, b, and c at the Glu-V1 locus and both had a high frequency of the null-allele (k). The populations showed significant differences in frequencies of ω-gliadin variants on SDS-electrophoregrams encoded by Gli-V1, and gene diversity with respect to this marker was higher in the population of Beregove than that in the Chersonese population. ω-Gliadins on SDS-electrophoregrams are a convenient marker system for analysis of D. villosum populations, which can be employed simultaneously with analysis of high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits.
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