Activity of the Maize Spm Transposon System in Transgenic Orychophragmus violaceus (L.) O.E.Schulz. Plants Obtained by Both Direct Transfer of DNA to Protoplasts and Agrobacterial Transformation of Root ExplantsDomenyuk V.P., Belousov A.A., Sivolap Yu.M. DNA-Marking Quantitative Trait Loci in MaizeSkorik V.V., Skorik N.V. Genetic-Statistical Characterization of the Novel Different-Height Donors for the Stem Shortness in Winter RyeNikolaychuk V.I. Self-Fertility Problems in Birdsfoot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.)Mel'nik V.M., Spiridonova K.V., Andreev I.O., Strashnyuk N.M., Kunakh V.A. The Investigation of Genomes of Some Gentiana Species in the Nature and in vitro Cell CulturePariy M.F. A New Gene for Maize Tassel StructureNastyukova V.V., Stepanova E.I., Glazko V.I. Cytogenetic Effects in Children Under Different Conditions of Influence of Small Dozes of Ionizing RadiationNazarova A. F. To the Problem of Differentiation of North Mongoloids, Caucasoids, and Amerinds in the Territory of Eurasia: Genetic DataKovaleva N. V. Sex Ratio in Down SyndromeSechnyak A.L., Totskiy V.N., Toptikov V.A., Dyachenko L.F. Problems of Formation of Genetic Coadaptation under Creation of Synthetic Genotypes
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