Molecular organization and polymorphism of 5S rDNA in carpathian beesMakukh H.V., Chorna L.B., Tyrkus M.Ya., Akopyan H.R., Shuvarska V.I., Malakhova A.Y., Poliakova Ye.O. Mutation analysis of the PAH gene in Ukrainian population, a report from west Ukraine regionMezhzherin S.V., Chayka Yu.Yu., Vlasenko R.P., Zhalay O.I., Garbar O.V. The features of the genetic structure of the amphimictic earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) populations within UkraineLivshits L.A., Harashchenko T.A., Umanets T.R., Krasnienkov D.S., Gorodna O.V., Podolskiy Vl.V., Kaminska T.M., Lapshyn V.F., Podolskiy V.V., Antipkin Yu.G. Relationship between the prevalence of ACE1 I/D polymorphism genotype ii and COVID-19 morbidity, mortality in Ukraine and in some Europe countriesKarelov A.V., Borzykh O.I., Kozub N.O., Sozinov I.O., Yanse L.A., Sozinova O.I., Tkalenko H.M., Mishchenko L.T., Blume Ya.B. Current approaches to identification of Fusarium fungi infecting wheatMamenko T.P. Regulation of legume-rhizobial symbiosis: molecular genetic aspects and participation of reactive oxygen speciesAlnoura T.M.S., Ullah M.F., Elssaig E.H., AhmedAbakur E.H. Unique SARSCoV2 variant exhibiting plenteous missense mutations in structural and nonstructural genesJavadi H., Dadkhodaie A., Heidari B. Molecular marker analysis of stem rust resistance genes in some iranian wheat genotypesSahin E. Putative group I introns in the nuclear internal transcribed spacer of the basidiomycete fungus Gautieria VittadMohamed S.M., Mohammed D.S., Abd Elhaliem N.G., Elbadry M.I., AbuDief E.E. Mangosteen can improve steatohepatitis through modulating inflammatory and autophagy/apoptosis cellinjury: an animal model studyLezhava T., Buadze T., Mikaia N., Jokhadze T., Sigua T., Gaiozishvili M., Melkadze T. Epigenetic activation of ribosomal cistrons of the chromatids of the 15th acrocentric chromosome in lung cancer
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